Text Box: Welcome To The Eco-Ranch Sustainable Living Educational Center!
The Site Is Currently Being Restructured!

Welcome to Eco-Ranch.com! Thank you for visiting! This project is not an exercise, but rather an exhibition of what we…. YOU… are capable of, if we just “step outside of the box”, are free from nonsense regulation, free from monthly payments, free from “life debt”, have time to think…. really think, and put the health of Mother Earth first and profit, power, prestige and “trending”…. LAST!


Robert & Debbie Earl

50 East Earthship Drive

Alpine (Terlingua Ranch), TX 79830




E-mail us:  info@eco-ranch.com

Visitors are always welcome here. WE have primitive campsites and can accommodate trailers. No charge for camping and water and power (if your cord can reach) are free. While a call or email is appreciated, you can  try to drop in. We no longer work, don’t travel and don’t do much outside of build the Eco-Ranch, so we are almost always home!


We monitor CB channel 33, for those who still have CBs!


The GPS coordinates are:   N29.56357  W103.60476


With a little patience, you WILL find us, just look for the wind turbines!

Since our first website was created, you are visitor number: